Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fun with Words!

Every now and then I like to learn a new word that I can use to impress my friends with; afterall, I would not want to come off as anserine (silly, foolish, stupid). I came across a web site devoted to people who have similar interests as me - having fun with words! Some people would say that learning new vocabulary is boondoggle (an unnecessary activity). In case you would like to know, the web site is http://www.rinkworks.com/words/funwords.shtml.

I enjoy spending time with my editing friends in lab and critiquing the DI each day. But there is one thing I wish I would remember - food! When I get home from my long day, I eat rather edaciously (consuming, voracious, devouring). After eating so much at once, I find myself in a long, rejoiceful pandiculation (the stretching that accompanies yawning).

I can only hope each of you visit this web site so you too can become immersed in the epeolatry (worship of words) of words! Have fun and be sure to use a new vocabulary word today! Maybe you could even become a neologist (one who makes up new words).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment. Yeah, "anytime" was one of the ones I couldn't think of, and at the risk of being hoity-toity, your use of "afterall" as one word here is another. Guess I'm too epeolatry to let it go. (thanks for the link).
