Saturday, May 2, 2009

Should I be worried?

As a journalism student, many people give me a worried look when I tell them I take several journalism classes here at school. They often ask me, "Isn't journalism a dying industry?" You should see the look they give me when I tell them my actual major is in agricultural communications! Then the jokes begin - "Oh, so you talk to cows?" To which I reply: agricultural communications is basically a degree in communications with a focus in agriculture. These types of conversations no doubt make me think about the major I'm in. However, I have come to love what I do, and I have no hesitations about being in the wrong major. Yes, I think journalism will change - it is inevitable. But I am confident about the area and don't feel the need for panic. Right now, some people may be worried about journalism's role within the Internet, which is understandable. Once its role is determined, however, I believe journalism will be 'back on its feet.' We will always need our news, and to get that reliable news, we need reliable journalists. Maybe I'm being optimistic because I'm in the major, but I do believe journalism has a future. Yes, it may change, but what ever stays the same?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. As I've gone through the journ curriculum as an undergrad, I've come to love the work more and more. It's my opinion that we'll always have jobs, because we can write and communicate well. These are skills that, believe it or not, people are desperately in need of.
